Thursday, February 02, 2017

New Directv Receiver

Another day of going to the Winn Dixie get a few things.  I was surprised to see so many items on sale at half price and buy one get one free which is also half price.
While I was out I also went to Wendy's to buy our supper.  Nancy saw the Chicken Asiago Sandwich on the tv the night before and saying how good it looked. 
So I told her I would get her one, I took the 4 for $4.00 we both said our food tasted good.

Our doctor is with the Gulf Coast Medical Center  have a new Patient Portal online where you can check to see the results of the visits, request for refills of your medications. 
So I tried the medicine refills since we were do refills and our prescriptions had ran out.  Yesterday we got a call from Walgreens that they were having an issue with our insurance.
I went down to see if I could help get it straightened out, but by the time I got there everything was ok.

There it is the new Directv D12-100 Receiver. Was I a Happy Camper when I saw the FEDX truck pull up in front of the motorhome and the driver getting out with a package.
This receiver is different than the one I had so I read a few instructions and plugged it in.
I unwrapped the new remote (the one on the right side) and I could see it would take a little time on the learning curve to use this one but in a matter of minutes all was going nice and smooth.
Last night I was finally watching basketball on the satellite instead of online with the ROKU.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

We used to have the same issues with our prescriptions but since we got away from the Big Name Drug Chain we have gotten away from that.
Glad to see you're a Happy Camper with your new Satellite receiver.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.