Sunday, July 07, 2024

To the doctors and busy.

 Sorry I've not posted way to long because I have been very busy.  

But first on the health front I'm still taking the pills to get my platelet count up.
Friday a week ago I saw my Oncologist and he said everything is looking good and that I don't need to have my blood drawn every Friday but come back in a month to have it drawn and he will see where to go from there. 

Now about the busy part.


Our son Joe came down to help me to repair the flooring in the motorhome.
There was a leak and over time the sub flooring had got rotten and soft.
so we had to tear it all out, put in new sub floor with plywood, and not the cheap waffle board that was in it.

We put in water prove vinyl planking.   
We could not get the same as was in it, because they don't make it anymore.

I still have more to do that will take some time.  Nancy and I decided to freshen up all the inside why I'm at it.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. 




Sunday, June 09, 2024

Airport our children departing and coming in.

 Nancy and I took Sherry to the airport Friday June the 1 and on June 3 I went back to the airport to pick up our son Joe who come down for a month to do a large project we have to work on.

I've had my blood drawn twice since last reported.   Friday a week ago my platelet level dropped .70 which is not good but still in the range it should be. 
Last Friday the platelet level dropped  .14 which is better.

I have no idea went the platelet level will be normal or even if it will settle down to where I will not have to take pills to keep it in the range it is supposed to be. 

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Sherry's going home.

 It was down to the Florida Cancer Center again Yesterday to have blood drawn once again to check my platelet level checked.

The numbers fail again going down .70.   But still in the good range the way it should be.
For now, everything will stay the same taking 2 pill a week and waiting to see my numbers will start to go up. 
It means that I will be having my blood every Friday for another month.

Today Nancy and I will be taking Sherry to the airport so she can get back to her home in West Virginia after being with us for a month and a half.
She has been here with us to help us out with the things we need.

Thank you so much Sherry.

Thank all of you for stopping by and have a great day.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Hanging out and Blood count

 First of all, I want to wish all of you a safe Memorial weekend.   Let's never forget those that gave all for keeping safe the great country we live in.  


Let's keep those banners and flags flying.

Sherry and I went back down to Hudson Beach yesterday to hang out a bit.

We saw this large sailboat coming in from a far away.

When in came in close it sailed across in front of us so they could let us see the great boat they have.

It was really big, big enough to live aboard for many days.  


There were many other kind and size boats.

Oh, I almost forgot to report on how my blood platelet count is going.
After Friday the 17th it raised in numbers from 272 to 342 which is good.

This Friday the 24th it went down from 342 to 330 that is not too bad.

This coming Friday after having my blood drawn, I will see the doctor to see what he will doing on the way it is.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day and safe weekend.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Inverness, Florida

 We decided to take a day trip Thursday to see what the town of Inverness, Florida had to offer.
Nancy and I drove though Inverness years ago and stopped just long enough to see the lake that was called "Cooters Pond".


We were glad that we took the time to visit this town that it had the old Court House still standing with the clock at the top that had the right time and sounded off that it was 1:00.

Here was a nice shop that had lots of things to choose from.

I noticed the name (Chronicle) which sounded like to me that maybe at one time it was a newspaper publishing building. I went in to ask the owner if it used to be newspaper office and sure enough it was.  

I always like to see the old theaters still in use now a days.

Looks like they added a fountain in Cooters Pond since Nancy and I saw it years ago.

Nancy making her way out to get a nice view of the lake or pond.

It was a hot day and extra hard on Nancy.

Our baby daughter Sherry had to sit with Mama.

With all the walking and looking it was time for us to eat and we chose Cedar River Restaurant for our place to eat.

Sherry and Nancy had the fried chicken with fries and Cole slaw.

While I had the Catfish, Hush Puppies and Cole Slaw.
All three of us enjoyed our meal and after eating we were more then ready to make our 63 miles back home.

We took the back roads home and enjoyed looking at the farmland and pastures.

It was indeed a good day.  

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.  



Sunday, May 19, 2024

Getting better.

 Friday it was another day to have my blood drawn at the Florida Cancer Center to see what my blood platelet count was.
After taking my pills to raise the count only two pills a week the good news is the count went up like we were hoping it would.
It went from 272 up to 342 now I will have to wait two weeks to see the doctor to find out what is the next move.  I just hope the count stays up or even raise some more.

I still get very tired on everything I try to do any length of time.
I know I'm not young anymore, but I should have more endurance than I have.

Thanks for stopping by and do have a great day.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Got zapped again

 Seems as though somethings just keep happening over and over.

I woke up at 3 pm last Sunday morning with a terrible back ache that did not stop so finally at 6 pm I got Sherry to take me to Trinity HCA emergency room where after checking me they said it was a kidney stone that would have to be blasted with laser to break it up.
That would not happen until Monday evening when my Urologist would do it after he was through with his scheduled patients in his office.

It was 6 pm when he would get to the hospital, and he would proceed with the doing everything.

He put a stent in, and the nurse took the stent out Tuesday morning at 3 am.   I was release from the hospital at 3 pm the same day.

I still have some pain in my kidney where the stone was but feeling better each day.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.    

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Last few days.

 Thought I would get you caught up on what's been happening the last few days.


First was to see the cardiologist to see how the carotid arteries are doing were he said everything looked good.
Also the report of an ultrasound on the kidneys that everything was good and normal.

Sherry wanted to take me out to a steakhouse.

Sherry said Longhorn Steakhouse has good steaks

So, we ordered the 8 oz Ribeye with a baked potato.
Sherry was right I think that was the best and judicious steak I've have ever ate.
Thank you so much Sherry and Mark. 


After eating the steak, we had to get a few items from the Save A Lot store.

This restaurant is always full of people.   It must be the food or the beer that I do not know.

The price of gas here.
One day they dropped the price fifteen cents then the next day they raised it up thirty cents.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a nice weekend 




Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Oh no, 86

 Yes, I've got a Birthday today and can't believe I'm----86.  Sounds too old for me.


Yesterday started out with getting breakfast for Nancy and myself.
Which was an omelet with peppers, onions and sausage with toast and coffee.

I did get out to go to a few places like Dollar Tree.

Here a throwback Shack to yester year on Old Dixie Road. 
Sherry and I went to the Motor Home that is in storage on the old highway to do a little work.  

There's more than enough new Car Washes opening up around here.

The old one where you wash the car yourself are gone.

Coming back home on Highway 19 looking at the RV Resorts looks like people are staying longer this year.

Care to play Miniature Golf we have Jungle Golf here and you can also pet an alligator.

Steak'n Shake one of many fast-food places.

I do thank you for stopping by and have a great day.




Saturday, April 27, 2024

Went on a picnic


Yes, believe it or not we went on a picnic.  Here is Nancy and Sherry in the car ready to go.
I can't remember the last time we did this.

And it was the first time in over a year Nancy has been out.  The only time she was out was to see a doctor.

Nice fountain in one of the resorts.

Nice flowering bush.

When you see these bells, you know you are close to the park.

We went to the John Chesnut SR Park today.

Nancy and Sherry looking for a gator as they cross the bridge.

This is one of the gators we saw.

The lily pads in bloom.

The lily pads are stretched out onto the lake.

Nancy and Sherry taking a little resting break.

A good day for fishing.

Nancy getting ready to eat the little lunch we had packed.


A couple of the deer we saw today.

This was a good day indeed.  Taking some time out for a picnic and doing a little walking.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. 



Friday, April 26, 2024

A good Day

 Yesterday Vicki and I had to get out and do a little shopping.                                                       


One place was Dollar General to get some potting soil and small flowerpots to transfer some flowers that have sprouted in the last week. 

We then went thru the new carwash.
First a couple of the workers do a little extra by brushing the front of the car and bothe the front and back windows.

Then it was putting the car in neutral and let the conveyer belt move you slowly thru the wash.

Vicki really got a thrill with all the color of lights as we were going thru.

You can tell you are in a Florida town with all the palm trees planted along the roads.

                                                      You can tell its springtime in Florida.

Vicki was wanting to go on a picnic today and Nancy said if she felt like it she would try to go.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.