Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Pizza and visiting

By the time we start our day it is usually after 12:00 noon and yesterday was a little later.
Our grandson Haven was coming over with his mother Cherisa for a visit around 5:00 and we had to go into town for a few things.
You can't be in a hurry when you go into town because of the traffic with people driving slow because they are looking at all the attractions that they may want to see.  Like the Titanic that has been here for a couple of years.
Or maybe one of the As Seen on TV shops with the thousands of items that have been for sale on tv.
Most of the time these items are less expensive than the cost of ordering them from the tv channels.
We did end up going to Walmart to get the things Nancy needed.
After leaving Walmart we stopped to pick up a couple of Hot and Ready Pizza's.
Nancy and I were amazed at how much better they were than what we buy in Florida.
These had a thicker crust more cheese and more pepperoni very much better indeed.
We did make it back to the campground before Haven and Cherisa arrived.Nancy and I were glad when they got here we were saying again how Haven is still growing taller.
As we all ate our pizza talking and catching up on the news from the past year and also enjoying the view of the lake looking out our front window.
It was so good to see Haven and Cherisa again and having this time with them.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.


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