Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Out Relaxing

 Saturday, I felt pretty good so I ask Vicki if she would like to go out a bit and she did so off we went.

We went to a park close to the house but first there was a thrift shop along the way so we stopped to see if there was anything that we needed.

There was a table outside that I thought looked good enough to take home but the draw was hanging down on it so I thought I would on it.  About that time the guy working at the shop said all the stuff setting out front of the shop was free.
Just my price so it went home with us where I looked at it and I had it repair and in good shape.


A bargain is hard to pass up.             


First was the Brasher Park, its a nice small park with a couple of picnic tables, a couple of long benches to sit along the Gulf waters.


Also there were some people fishing, and a few in there kayaks just in water paddling along enjoying the day. 

There was a guy that had his dog there that Vicki had to pet and play with.

At one point it looked as though the dog was wanting Vicki to go in the water it.

Thanks for stopping by and do have a great day.


1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

It's hard to pass up a bargain like that.
Be Safe and Enjoy your time with Vicki.

It's about time.