Saturday, September 16, 2023

Not good-not too bad

 I started yesterday out early as I wanted to do a few things before I went to the Cancer Center to have my blood drawn.

I was out the door and off to Walgreen's to pick up a couple of prescriptions that the Cardiologist had called in.   From there it was a Winn Dixie stop for a few items on sale this week, you know BOGO two for one.  From there it was Walmart for things that only Walmart sales, then it was head to the house.

I got back home 9:30, with an hour of rest before my appointment to have my blood drawn.

And the result with my platelet count was not what I was hoping for but not too bad.
Last week the count it was 142 and this week it was 132.  So, it was once again back out of the range it should be.
I hope this coming Friday it will bounce back strong with a much higher number.

Thanks for stopping by and I do wish you have a great day.

1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

We are still keeping you in our prayers.
Have you looked into over-the-counter supplements that could help your numbers.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.