Saturday, July 01, 2023

Pills doing well

 It was back to have blood drawn Friday.  The pills are doing good raising my numbers each week.
Friday's report it was 268 up from 198 and well into the range of (140-440).  I have two more weeks of my blood being drawn and see my oncologist doctor Dan.


Thought I would show you that are new here and my followers the park where we are living now.
This is the view of one of the residents home with flowers in the front.

Another one with flowers and palm trees out in front.

And you thought the desert is the only place tall cactus grow.  Here is a cactus blooming with flowers.

Maybe you like Snow White and Seven Dwarfs.

I bet the pools has felt good the way the temps have really been up the last few weeks.

I notice that I have picked up more followers in the past few weeks.
I'm more than happy to see you and hope I have something on here that will make you want to come back again.

Thanks for stopping by and I wish you have a great day.

1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

Glad that your numbers continue to go up and you are feeling better.
It shows those residents are taking pride in their homes.
Be Safe and Enjoy that pool.

It's about time.