Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Same "O"

 Things are just the same here, cleaning out the motorhome is taking longer then I thought.
Of course there's no hurry so that is the way I'm doing it.  With having a hard time finding a place in the house to stack up the "stuff" from the motorhome is really a chore.

I took the weekend to watch some of the college football games and even take in an NFL game on Sunday.

With Nancy not having any strength to speak of we are having more of the fast food type meals.  But every once in a while she does cook us a special meal and yesterday was one of those days.
Boy, did that really taste extra good.

After picking up Nancy's medicine today it will be back to finding or making room for things coming from the motorhome to the house.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. 

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