Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Nancy's report

We had the report on Nancy's bloodwork yesterday and it looks somewhat better. The number that was low(GFL) whatever that is went from 18 up to 25. the number should be around 60 which is normal. They tell us once the kidneys are damaged they will not get back to being normal but if she can keep the number from going into 15 or lower she won't have to be on dialysis. She has been watching what she eats and that has helped her.
So her problems are like the cactus in the park. They are blooming but you still have to keep an eye on it.
I'm sure there are people up north would like to see some flowers in bloom rather than all the snow and rain they have been getting.
So with Nancy doing better we can start making our traveling plans for the summer-----I hope. I still have to get the skin cancer on my forehead cut out on May 13th and we will go from there.  Like I said before we have had an unusual season this year.
Thanks for stopping by and I wish you health and strength,do have a great day.

1 comment:

Stefany Adinaro said...

I'm so glad I found your blog. My husband and I (fellow RVers and fitness bloggers) will say a prayer for Nancy that those numbers keep crawling closer to normal. And by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Stop by our website (The Fit RV) anytime and say hi! Perhaps we shall see each other on the road. Health and Happiness to you both!