Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Storm and Appointments

 I will be having a busy weekend.

I've got to be at my Cardiologist at 9:00 tomorrow morning for a nuclear stress test and Friday have my blood drawn to check on the platelet numbers.
And if that was not enough, we will have to put up with Helene the big storm headed our way.

Since I have the appointments, we decided too just ride out the storm here in the house.

Nancy had a doctor's appointment, but they called her yesterday to tell her that they will be closed because of the upcoming storm.

Of course, all the above is app to change.

One-time years back when we were in the motorhome in South Carolina we rode out a large storm that tore the front off of a motel that was only a half a mile from us. 

Thanks for stopping by and do have a great day.

1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

Hoping all your numbers come out good.
Praying that you two are Safe.
Debbie just went through your area.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.