Sunday, September 01, 2024

Results platelet level and plants

 I had blood drawn Friday and then saw the doctor.
After a month without my pills my blood platelets had dropped and no longer in the range it should be.

So, he put me on 2 pills a week for now and seed what effect that will have.
He wants to see me in two weeks.  I still feel good and I'm staying busy but get tired after working 3 t04 hours.


I'm trying something new for me.
I'm trying to have a small pot garden, and no not that kind of pot I'm growing vegetables in pots.
This is grape tomatoes that I started with seeds.


This is two beef steak tomatoes; I took one of them out to put in another pot.

This is another tomato and two green pepper plants in the background.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.



1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

I still question his judgement, but! Keeping you both in our prayers.
Having a small garden in Pales is a simple way to do it. The cost less, can be moved in for bad weather and occupies your mind on things that work.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.