Saturday, July 15, 2017

Same good "stuff"

Everything's about the same each day here.
Don and I go to the post office to check to see if they have any mail that arrives for them, I had a letter to mail, so that was different instead of waiting on Don I went inside to drop the mail in the out going box.

We went to Walmart to buy a few groceries each of us getting the things that we needed for the day.
After getting back home it's a short wait until Nancy is ready we go over for a day of visiting.
It is good to get together and visit since we get to do this as we make our rounds each year.

There was a time when we all live close to each other when our children were growing up and we miss this time together.
But as they say nothing stays the same.  As the children grow up and leave and the guys retire we all spread out in different parts of the land.

Yesterday evening Peach had us a good Pork dinner with sides of potatoes, pinto beans and cornbread.  It tasted real good, there's nothing like a good home cooked meal.

Today will probably be the same as usual with us going to visit and enjoy being together.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

Be Safe and Enjoy your visit.

It's about time.