Monday, May 15, 2017

Yea, got the motorhome washed.

Yesterday I decided was the day I would wash the motorhome as part of the getting ready to leave for the summer.
First I cleaned the under side of the patio awning then it was on the passenger side of the motorhome which was the shady side away from the sun. It was cleaning up pretty good but some spots had to have extra scrubbing with the long handle brush I was using.
After I did that it was to the back of the motorhome  that needed the extra scrubbing all over.
Doing the washing the motorhome plus the heat of the sun it was time for a break to go inside to wait for the sun to move and give me shade on the other side to be washed.

It was also time to eat.  Nancy didn't want to go out for dinner because when there is a holiday of some kind the restaurants are crowded.
Nancy has been wanting to eat Baked chicken and noodles for some time so instead of baked chicken we took a short cut.
I went to Winn Dixie and bought a rotisserie chicken with that Nancy cooked noodles then added cream of chicken soup.  When it was all put together it tasted so close to the baked chicken and noodles one would think it was the same. 

After that good meal there was an NBA Basketball Game coming on the I wanted to watch while I was still on my break.
After the game the sun had moved far enough southwest that I had good shade and also the temperature had went down from 90* to 83* so it seemed some what cooler.
I did get finished up washing the motorhome but still need to do the wheels.
For some reason I get more tired washing the motorhome at age 79 than I did at age 65!
I'm trying to figure that one out. 

1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

Again Happy Mothers Day Nancy.
You are putting many that haven't reached 65 to shame. Make certain to take frequent breaks and drink lots of fluids.
We are looking forward to three days of summer weather before returning to early spring.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.