Sunday, September 15, 2024

Platelet level

 Friday it was time to have blood drawn and see the Oncologist (doctor).

I'm still taking two pills a week to raise my platelet level up.
Friday a week before the level went from 135 up to 145 raising .10 not much but still coming up.

After talking to the doctor this Friday, the numbers went up more from 145 up to 172, that's another .27 much better. 
So the said come in to have my blood drawn in two weeks but still stay on two pills a week.

Thank you for stopping by and do have a great day. 

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Platelet level up

 Yesterday I had my blood drawn again and the plate level came up .10 that put me back in the range again.  Not by much but it is in the low level of the range it should be.
I will have my blood drawn again Friday and also to see the doctor.


Nancy getting one of her breakfast ready, its loaded with ham, onions, Hungarian peppers, and mini-colored peppers.

And of course, the scrambled eggs.  Hey man that's mighty good eating.

A few days ago, we had a real thunder boomer and the streets in the park looked like creeks so much water.

My peppers and

and tomatoes are looking good.

                                 Wish I had more land to grow a nice small garden. 

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Results platelet level and plants

 I had blood drawn Friday and then saw the doctor.
After a month without my pills my blood platelets had dropped and no longer in the range it should be.

So, he put me on 2 pills a week for now and seed what effect that will have.
He wants to see me in two weeks.  I still feel good and I'm staying busy but get tired after working 3 t04 hours.


I'm trying something new for me.
I'm trying to have a small pot garden, and no not that kind of pot I'm growing vegetables in pots.
This is grape tomatoes that I started with seeds.


This is two beef steak tomatoes; I took one of them out to put in another pot.

This is another tomato and two green pepper plants in the background.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.