Saturday, May 11, 2024

Got zapped again

 Seems as though somethings just keep happening over and over.

I woke up at 3 pm last Sunday morning with a terrible back ache that did not stop so finally at 6 pm I got Sherry to take me to Trinity HCA emergency room where after checking me they said it was a kidney stone that would have to be blasted with laser to break it up.
That would not happen until Monday evening when my Urologist would do it after he was through with his scheduled patients in his office.

It was 6 pm when he would get to the hospital, and he would proceed with the doing everything.

He put a stent in, and the nurse took the stent out Tuesday morning at 3 am.   I was release from the hospital at 3 pm the same day.

I still have some pain in my kidney where the stone was but feeling better each day.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.    

1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

Glad you are feeling better after getting Zapped.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.