Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Last Tuesday I had to call the ambulance for Nancy because she had a hard time breathing.
After spending hours in the waiting room and getting to examined they said she had a few few things that would cause her hard breathing and after telling her if it gets any worse to come back in.

Well early yesterday morning I had to call the ambulance again because she was really struggling getting her breath.
After going through all the same things again only this time they said she had pneumonia in both lungs and started on all the things to treat her.

When I left her last night, she was still not beathing normal but much better.

They told her not to plan on going back home anyway soon.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

We'll be keeping you both in our Prayers.
If they had checked the first time, she would be at home now.

Be Safe.