Saturday, February 09, 2013

Growning tomatoes

I started  if you are not going to write something? But why have a blog if you are not going to write anything?  Nancy is still feeling puny,so I went to the store myself this morning to do the shopping. That shopping cart looked kind of empty with out a bunch of lotions and makeup in it.
today will of course be my day in front of the tv to watch the college basketball games.
I have been doing a little spring cleaning around the outside of the place.
I found out that hanging baskets are good for something besides flowers.
I also found out as the plant growns and the tomatoes get bigger that there is more weight on the basket and it will eventually fall. Don't ask me how I know this. I grew these tomatoes from seeds that I saved from our travels this pasted summer.                                                                                           Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

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