Saturday, June 18, 2011


We took our time as usual in getting ready to go to the beach.  We thought we would have a better chance of getting a parking place at the pier. It seems as though some more people had the same thought. We did get a parking spot but it took a while.
 We got to the beach and saw sea weed had washed ashore.
 This happens when there has been a storm out in the ocean. I didn't hear of any storm but there must have been some disturbance out because of the sea weed coming in.
The excitement part of the day was when a couple of police cars and a couple of fire department suv's came onto the beach. The policemen and firemen were walking up and down the beach near the pier looking out into the water.  Getting the news of what was happening was they were looking for a couple of people that were missing from there party.  Come to find out though they had just wandered off.
The sun was behind the clouds all day.  

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