Friday, January 25, 2013

Around and around

Well folks the drama continues.  We waited for the hospital to call to tell Nancy what time to be there to be ready for the cardiologist to do the catheterization. Well they did call only to tell her that checking her blood from the previous day that it shows her kidneys are not functioning right(huh). With that report they would not be doing the  catheterization because of the dye they use during the procedure the kidneys have to be ok. So now it will be off to see a urologist to have her kidneys checked. Nancy has had blood work done three or four times in the last three months and this was the first time they have told her about her kidneys. Its seems as though we are on a Merry Go Round with the doctors. So again stay tuned for the next chapter.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.  

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