Saturday, November 24, 2012

The same today

I hope most of you are over the Thanksgiving Day. Are you still eating the leftovers?  We had planned on going to the Golden Corral for dinner,but when we got there they had a long line out the door. We meet up with our friends and ended up at the Perkins Restaurant for our Thanksgiving dinner. The dinner was good and the conversation
The title says it all.  Since we don't do the black friday thing there was no need to get out yesterday. I can't see getting in line and waiting overnight or even a couple of days to get into a store or concert or anything. It can't be that I'm old because I would not and didn't do when I was young. As for gadgets I like them but can wait until the price comes down.
Today will be like all my saturdays so you know what I will be doing.

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