Thursday, January 17, 2008

That Time Again

Yesterday was the wash day again,boy these days seem to come often. I guess if you want to wear clean clothes you have to wash them. The last time we washed the clothes Nancy didn't want a pizza so yesterday was the pizza day and were we ready for it. We stopped into Little Caesar's $5.00 deal again. We got home sit down and started eating,when we were finished there were only 2 pieces left. It all went down real easy,whew.
Where I grew up in West Virginia,you could tell who was going to wash their clothes on a certain day. Early in the morning they would have a big ol' warsh tub outside on the fire heating water. Later on the clothes would be on the clothes line in the yard hanging to dry. I tell you I've ran into these clothes lines more then one time running and playing tag with friends. The rain came down by the bucket fulls last night and early this morning. We still have a chance of more rain for the next few days.
I remember being a small boy and in the summer time when it started raining we would go out and stand under the roof of the house and enjoyed the water pouring off the roof. I don't know if kids still do that or not. I think maybe they are taught that it is unhealty now,like every thing that we used to do.

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