Wednesday, August 07, 2024


 Yeah, my computer crashed the hard drive, and I had to get it repaired. 
I would have bought another computer but there were a few things he could salvage so I went that way.

On with how the platelet count is going. It was doing good with taking the pills two times a week, so when I saw the doctor Friday he says (let's try not taking any pills for a month and we will decide what to do next.)

Other than that, I'm week in my legs and get very tired with just a little walking.

Nancy is about the same as usual in that she stays very tired.

I'm beginning to think we are just getting old.

Thanks for stopping by and do have a great day.


1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

Computers can't live with them and in today's day and age can't live without them.
Not a Doctor here, but I would think going cold turkey could have more of a negative impact, than cutting the dosage down slowly.
Glad you and Nancy are Safe and hope you weren't too badly affected by Hurricane Debby.
Enjoy your Computer.

It's about time.