Sunday, August 25, 2024

Platelets going low and new phone.

 I've been busy for the last couple of months.
First Our son came down from Tennesse to help on the motor home where water had run in and messed up the floor.
We had to tear out the rotten wood and install plywood flooring not the cheap waffle board like the factory had put in.  You know they go together have to make a large profit on the cheap way of putting these rv's. 

It was good working with my son.  Thank you so much Joe.

Vicki our daughter came down from Kentucky for a week to help Nancy with a few things.  Thank you also Vicki.

Of course, Our other daughter Sherry has been with us quite a bit helping us also. And we thank you too Sherry.

I've been without my medicine for seven weeks now and my platelet level have been dropping to much in the last few weeks.
I will see the doctor this coming Friday and see what he thinks.

Vicki had a good time while she was here because the last few times, she was here she wasn't feeling well.

She helped me very mush setting up the new phone I bought and changing carriers and showing me what the phone will do, since I move from a Motorola to a Galaxy.
I did not know a phone could do so many things plus it has a great camera.


Vicki went with me on a Friday and wanted go to the First Quality Sausage House to buy some fresh meat.

After she was through, I asked Vicke if she wanted to go out to the John Philippe Park she said yes.

First, we climbed up the Indian Mound for a great view of the bay.


This photo was taken with the Macro Lens, did I tell you I really like my new phone and more so the camera. 
It's really a new phone but it has been out a few years.  It's the Galaxy A 15 5G new to me.

Thank you so much for stopping by and do have a great day.



Wednesday, August 07, 2024


 Yeah, my computer crashed the hard drive, and I had to get it repaired. 
I would have bought another computer but there were a few things he could salvage so I went that way.

On with how the platelet count is going. It was doing good with taking the pills two times a week, so when I saw the doctor Friday he says (let's try not taking any pills for a month and we will decide what to do next.)

Other than that, I'm week in my legs and get very tired with just a little walking.

Nancy is about the same as usual in that she stays very tired.

I'm beginning to think we are just getting old.

Thanks for stopping by and do have a great day.