Yeah, lots been going on here with our kids coming in to visit.
First was Sherry coming down for a few months to help us out with the things needing to be done.
Like all the things that Nancy was having a hard time with, house cleaning, washing dishes, and doing the laundry, She also did most of the driving for me.
But then it was time for her to return home to West Virginia. Here she is driving to the airport, because our son Joe and his wife Mishell came down from Dandridge, Tennessee to take over for Sherry.
They were down a few days before Sherry left for home.
April the 30th was my 85th birthday, Joe grilled me a most delicious ribeye steak that ranks up there with the best of them.
Man did he and Mishell put in the hard work. the bush by the side porch trimmed, as well as the overgrown, rubber tree was cut out completely.
Joe then with me doing the well mostly watching repaired the flooring in the quest bedroom.
Joe and I did get sometime going down to the John Chestnut Park which we enjoy very much.
Joe was glad to see some baby alligators plus some larger ones.
Beautiful bright colored cardinal bird.
Here is a redhead woodpecker doing its thing.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.