Monday, February 08, 2021

Lot of games

It has warmed up enough now that I have been wearing my short pants for the last few days. I hope it will last so the legs will get some tan, then the skinny old legs will not look like a chicken running around.

Nancy saw a soul food dish with cabbage and smoked sausage that she thought would taste good. So thats what we had on Thursday and it really was good and we hady some left over for Friday. On Friday though she added cooked spaghetti pasta, a little Soy Sauce to it to make it a Lo Mein dish and it tasted a little better.

It was a good weekend for me because I had enough College Basketball on Saturday and the Super Bowl yesterday to keep me entertained to the limit. The weather is going to be warm most of this week with a chance of rain each day.

Thanks for stopping by and I wish you a great day.

1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

Send some of that warmth our way.
The meal sounds wonderful.
Be Safe and Enjoy wearing your shorts.

It's about time.