Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Sorry Folks

I'm having trouble posting. When I try to post a picture I gt Html and no picture. Also no pasting between sentences. I will post when I cn get this figured out. Help me if you can.


Ivan said...

I have LOTS of problems with the Blogger editor myself, and I am by no means an expert. But I have found that if you try to keep photos and text well separated it seems to help. Cursor down to a blank line, then try to insert a photo from your computer ... then try to get the cursor well away from the photo before trying to enter text. It's very hard to get two photos side by side, but I have never had the html problem ou described. My latest problem is that my blog does not update on other's side-bars when I publish a new post. There should be a small question mark in a circle in the upper right area when you are composing. Clicking that might get you some help, but I have had mixed success with that! Good luck.

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

As I've explained before on our Blog I create it as a Document then Copy and Paste to Blogger. What I have found with the New Format is excess Spacing. I remedied that by not Spacing between the Paragraphs on the Document.

To add Pictures I place the Cursor at the end of the Previous Paragraph then insert my Pictures One at a time from the Computer.

You will also have to double check the Font Size each time you post a Blog as it is reset after each one.

What was wrong with the old format was not fixed and they made it harder to produce a good Blog. The Programmers should have left well enough alone.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.