Monday, October 13, 2014

Great Grandchildren

After the meal Saturday evening and then visiting it was time to go home again. The two great grandchildren wanted to stay with us overnight in the motorhome so we said it would be alright they enjoyed the night with us.
Sunday while Nancy was getting ready I took the kids over to Banks Lake National Wildlife Refuge.
There was an exercise course and the children enjoyed that part as you can see them at the bars.
The lake was simple beautiful, the trees look like they were embedded in a mirror. Not a ripple on the lake.
This is south folks look at the moss hanging from the trees.

Some guys out enjoying the nice sunny day.
After staying around the lake the kids wanted to hike one of the trails so off we went. This trail had a boardwalk along some of the trail. 
After a couple of hours in the hot day we were ready to go back to the motorhome. We did bring a bottle of cold water with us that went down nice and cool after the hike.
This was a good day with the kids and I'm sure it is one day they will remember.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.



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