Saturday, March 30, 2013


Nancy is doingabout the same and is taking it easy healing back up after her cath. I'm doing what a bunch of people are doing and that is watching the NCAA Tournament.  I've seen some of the teams I have been pulling for win and most of them losing.  I don't know about you,but I get tired of seeing the same teams win year after year. I would like to see every so often that a team would come in and win that wasn;t suppose to. Like the team from Florida Gulf Coast University did. They had a good run in the tournament.
I took a photo of this cactus just on the outside of the park that as a couple of blooms on it. There are quite a few growing in the park also.
Nancy prepared up a beef stew and it has been in the crock pot all night so I will be eating beef stew while I watch basketball today.
Thanks for stopping by and I wish you a great day.

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