Friday, March 21, 2025

Some eating along the way



Thought I would post some of the meals we have had.

Here is some good eating T-Bone Steak. 

Hot Dog with good homemade chili, onion rings and Arby's Curly Fries.
Love that homemade chili.

Thought I would try fixing dome Lo Mien noodles with steak, peppers and onions.
Turned out to be really good eating.


Here's Vicki getting ready to enjoy a foot long Coney Island Dog.

I have to say it didn't taste as good as our homemade hot dogs.

We ate here when Vicki drove me to see how my nose surgery was healing.
I still have another follow up in six-weeks and I hope that will be all for now.

Here is what's left of my Denny's Breakfast Special, pancakes, 2 eggs, 2 links of sausage 2 strips of bacon.   All that for $6.99, coffee is extra.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. 
