Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Getting nose in shape

 yesterday I was back at the sinus and nasal institute because Wednesday I had a bad nosebleed and again Thursday morning getting up, I just rub my nose on the pillow lightly the blood came flowing.
So Friday I called and told them I had to have something done and I could not wait two weeks so my appointment.
The lady said you need to come in on Monday they had a constellation at 11:15 am.

After looking at my nose and taking a CT scan of my head, she said she will have to cauterize it using Siver Nitrate.  
She says no lifting no bending over. no rubbing my nose--no anything until I come back to see her.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.     

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

So and So

 I think I'm dealing with scammers again.
I keep getting a popup about extending my McAfee protection. It says Regular $149.00 but now if I hurry and take it, they will let me have it $100.00 off.   Thing of it is I've never had McAfee protection.


I've been eating good like these fluffy pancakes.


Hot Dogs curly fries, onion rings. the fries and onion rings right out of the air fryer.


T-Bone steaks right off the grill.  It really was too long to be grilling on the grill and it really tasted very good.

Last week every morning was with heavy sea mist.

But by noon time it was all clear and sunny.

Nancy is still feeling about the same way.  Some days OK and other days not so good.

I'm doing fair accept nose bleeding other days.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.  



Thursday, February 06, 2025

Finaly out in the woods.

 Last week Vicki and I got out and went to the Starkey Park to do a little walking.
I know we could have walked around in Walmart, but I prefer to be out in the woods when I can.


This is a nice clean park, and it has three rest stations if you need to go.

Nice driving through the park with the trees hanging out over the road.

The big winds that we had did uproot some trees.

I know its wintertime but we do have flower spouting here and there.

Here is daughter Vicki enjoying being out in the park with dear old Dad.

Here is a large rest station that will hold a group of people.

Here is an orange tree with a few oranges on it.
Hard to fing orange trees anymore, at one time there where orange trees growing everywhere.

Here is the start of one of the rivers in the area.

Here is a river gauge to see how high the river will rise.

It was so good to get out among the tress and fresh air.
I"ve told Nancy many a time that I feel like a animal in a cage sitting around the house.

Thanks for sopping by and have a great day.