Friday, March 21, 2025

Some eating along the way



Thought I would post some of the meals we have had.

Here is some good eating T-Bone Steak. 

Hot Dog with good homemade chili, onion rings and Arby's Curly Fries.
Love that homemade chili.

Thought I would try fixing dome Lo Mien noodles with steak, peppers and onions.
Turned out to be really good eating.


Here's Vicki getting ready to enjoy a foot long Coney Island Dog.

I have to say it didn't taste as good as our homemade hot dogs.

We ate here when Vicki drove me to see how my nose surgery was healing.
I still have another follow up in six-weeks and I hope that will be all for now.

Here is what's left of my Denny's Breakfast Special, pancakes, 2 eggs, 2 links of sausage 2 strips of bacon.   All that for $6.99, coffee is extra.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. 


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Getting nose in shape

 yesterday I was back at the sinus and nasal institute because Wednesday I had a bad nosebleed and again Thursday morning getting up, I just rub my nose on the pillow lightly the blood came flowing.
So Friday I called and told them I had to have something done and I could not wait two weeks so my appointment.
The lady said you need to come in on Monday they had a constellation at 11:15 am.

After looking at my nose and taking a CT scan of my head, she said she will have to cauterize it using Siver Nitrate.  
She says no lifting no bending over. no rubbing my nose--no anything until I come back to see her.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.     

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

So and So

 I think I'm dealing with scammers again.
I keep getting a popup about extending my McAfee protection. It says Regular $149.00 but now if I hurry and take it, they will let me have it $100.00 off.   Thing of it is I've never had McAfee protection.


I've been eating good like these fluffy pancakes.


Hot Dogs curly fries, onion rings. the fries and onion rings right out of the air fryer.


T-Bone steaks right off the grill.  It really was too long to be grilling on the grill and it really tasted very good.

Last week every morning was with heavy sea mist.

But by noon time it was all clear and sunny.

Nancy is still feeling about the same way.  Some days OK and other days not so good.

I'm doing fair accept nose bleeding other days.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.  



Thursday, February 06, 2025

Finaly out in the woods.

 Last week Vicki and I got out and went to the Starkey Park to do a little walking.
I know we could have walked around in Walmart, but I prefer to be out in the woods when I can.


This is a nice clean park, and it has three rest stations if you need to go.

Nice driving through the park with the trees hanging out over the road.

The big winds that we had did uproot some trees.

I know its wintertime but we do have flower spouting here and there.

Here is daughter Vicki enjoying being out in the park with dear old Dad.

Here is a large rest station that will hold a group of people.

Here is an orange tree with a few oranges on it.
Hard to fing orange trees anymore, at one time there where orange trees growing everywhere.

Here is the start of one of the rivers in the area.

Here is a river gauge to see how high the river will rise.

It was so good to get out among the tress and fresh air.
I"ve told Nancy many a time that I feel like a animal in a cage sitting around the house.

Thanks for sopping by and have a great day.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Aches and Pain

 I don't think my nose bleed is from an infection because the saline water wash and the antibiotic cream has changed a bit.
I think it will have t be cauterized to stop the bleeding. 

I'm still taking the pills to get rid of the swelling of fluid in my legs.

Nancy is still in pain from her back that she has had for years.

We are just two old people that are going to have aches and pain.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. 


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Nose checked out

 After the Sinus and Nasal Doctor looked at my nose she said it looks like it has some infection for the reason of nosebleed.  She cleaned it out then put some ointment and said she would see if that help clear it up.  If it doesn't then she would cauterize it.

In the meantime, 1. Do not blow or manipulate my nose.  2. Avoid all bending lifting or straining.

Now that will be hard for me as I always like being able to keep busy.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Nancy feeling better

 Nancy was feeling a little better yesterday.  She said she felt like she may have covid or a case of the flu.
I do hope she is feeling better when she wakes up this morning.

As for me, tomorrow morning is the day I've been waiting on for a month.  It's the day I get my nose taken care of.  I have to go to the Sinus and Nasal Institute of Florida, which is located down in St Petersburg.

They are going to see why my nose bleeds at any time of the day or night.  I mean really bleeds not like a dripping water faucet but comes in a little stream.  

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.



Friday, January 10, 2025

Nancy having though days.

 Sherry has been home for a week and Vicki (our daughters) came down because it looks like I'm going to have some extra help with Nancy.
Nancy is getting a little more forgetful in remember things.  Also, she is having more pain in her back having a hard time walking.  I really worry about her.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Ready for the New Year?

 I hope you made it through the New Year Day feeling refreshed and ready for what lies ahead.


We did our usual thing on this special day making and eating cabbage rolls,
If it looks like I like extra cabbage with my rolls you are right,

I checked on my small pot garden on the back patio. looks like this one will be ready to pick in a day or two.

Serry will be getting on a plane to get back home after being here a long time.
She has been a big help for Nancy and me.
We assured we would be ok doing what needs taking care of, even if it does take us a little longer doing it.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year



Hang in there, we've almost got another year in.

I want to say Happy New Year to each and every one of you.   You don't know how I appreciate you.

This a very special day for Nancy and me.

It's our 68th Wedding Anniversary.

68 years ago, a 17-year-old girl and 18-year-old boy decided to spend their life together.

And to think I had an aunt to tell me it would not work, that we were too young to get married, and she also said it would not last more than six months.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. 



Wednesday, December 25, 2024


Yes, indeed I want all of you a very Merry Christmas.
There will be a lot of celebrating this day.  Let us not forget the real reason of the day.

Be very careful in your travels, I want you around for a long time.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.