Thursday, October 10, 2024

Safe and Well

 We are ok we left Florida Tuesday and had a motel reserved for our stay.
We will start back on Friday, maybe less traffic then.

Although we did not take interstate 75.  We came up on us route 19 and didn't have but small amounts of wait times in the small towns.  Everything was going good as the towns had extra police directing traffic.


We stopped for a short break at a Burger King.

Wednesday just as the sign says "Ler's Eat.

We ate at a Shoney's the last time we had a meal at Shoney's was years ago.
They had the buffet for $9.99, so I looked it over and decided that was for us.

They had four entrees including Spaghetti, Fried chicken and a couple of others.
The salad bar had everything you would want to put in a salad.  

Nancy enjoying her Strawberry Sundae.

We saw trucks like this at most motels waiting for the storm so they could start to work.
Vicki was talking to one of the guys and he was from Idaho.


Sunday, October 06, 2024

Big one is coming.

 Yeah, who would have guessed it.

This hurricane looks like it is going to hit us broad-sided.  It is going to arrive Wednesday, but the rain is starting to rain this morning and last all day.

We road Hellene out, I don't think we will this one (Milton).
The news forecasters say it will hit us as cat 3 and maybe a 4.

Thank you for stopping by and do have a great day.


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Here and there

 Well, we made it through the storm.  We did get a large amount of rain and up to 80 mph wind but no damage to our place.


I didn't look throughout the park but noticed this place did not fair as well, it was on the same street we live on.

I did get out yesterday because I had to have my blood drawn after two weeks.
I'm still on two pills a week and this time the numbers really went up from 172 to 270 so the oncologist will have to figure out a happy medium on the pills.

Its fall of the year but the flowers are still blooming out.

Today is college football day and I have to go to the airport at 7:00 pm to pick up our daughter Vicki that will be with us for two weeks. 

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.



Thursday, September 26, 2024

Waiting on Helene

 Some of the plans that I had were changed like my nuclear stress test.

Of course, there are a lot of business are closed because of the oncoming storm.


Nancy had me a good breakfast to start the day, she knew I would have some things to do in preparing for the big one.

Scrambled eggs with two kinds of peppers. and onions, that with sausage, tomatoes and biscuit on the side.

Patio table and chairs all bundled and tied up.

Window awning down and secured with plastic ties.

Now it is the waiting games to see what will happen and how bad it gets.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Storm and Appointments

 I will be having a busy weekend.

I've got to be at my Cardiologist at 9:00 tomorrow morning for a nuclear stress test and Friday have my blood drawn to check on the platelet numbers.
And if that was not enough, we will have to put up with Helene the big storm headed our way.

Since I have the appointments, we decided too just ride out the storm here in the house.

Nancy had a doctor's appointment, but they called her yesterday to tell her that they will be closed because of the upcoming storm.

Of course, all the above is app to change.

One-time years back when we were in the motorhome in South Carolina we rode out a large storm that tore the front off of a motel that was only a half a mile from us. 

Thanks for stopping by and do have a great day.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Platelet level

 Friday it was time to have blood drawn and see the Oncologist (doctor).

I'm still taking two pills a week to raise my platelet level up.
Friday a week before the level went from 135 up to 145 raising .10 not much but still coming up.

After talking to the doctor this Friday, the numbers went up more from 145 up to 172, that's another .27 much better. 
So the said come in to have my blood drawn in two weeks but still stay on two pills a week.

Thank you for stopping by and do have a great day. 

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Platelet level up

 Yesterday I had my blood drawn again and the plate level came up .10 that put me back in the range again.  Not by much but it is in the low level of the range it should be.
I will have my blood drawn again Friday and also to see the doctor.


Nancy getting one of her breakfast ready, its loaded with ham, onions, Hungarian peppers, and mini-colored peppers.

And of course, the scrambled eggs.  Hey man that's mighty good eating.

A few days ago, we had a real thunder boomer and the streets in the park looked like creeks so much water.

My peppers and

and tomatoes are looking good.

                                 Wish I had more land to grow a nice small garden. 

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Results platelet level and plants

 I had blood drawn Friday and then saw the doctor.
After a month without my pills my blood platelets had dropped and no longer in the range it should be.

So, he put me on 2 pills a week for now and seed what effect that will have.
He wants to see me in two weeks.  I still feel good and I'm staying busy but get tired after working 3 t04 hours.


I'm trying something new for me.
I'm trying to have a small pot garden, and no not that kind of pot I'm growing vegetables in pots.
This is grape tomatoes that I started with seeds.


This is two beef steak tomatoes; I took one of them out to put in another pot.

This is another tomato and two green pepper plants in the background.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.



Sunday, August 25, 2024

Platelets going low and new phone.

 I've been busy for the last couple of months.
First Our son came down from Tennesse to help on the motor home where water had run in and messed up the floor.
We had to tear out the rotten wood and install plywood flooring not the cheap waffle board like the factory had put in.  You know they go together have to make a large profit on the cheap way of putting these rv's. 

It was good working with my son.  Thank you so much Joe.

Vicki our daughter came down from Kentucky for a week to help Nancy with a few things.  Thank you also Vicki.

Of course, Our other daughter Sherry has been with us quite a bit helping us also. And we thank you too Sherry.

I've been without my medicine for seven weeks now and my platelet level have been dropping to much in the last few weeks.
I will see the doctor this coming Friday and see what he thinks.

Vicki had a good time while she was here because the last few times, she was here she wasn't feeling well.

She helped me very mush setting up the new phone I bought and changing carriers and showing me what the phone will do, since I move from a Motorola to a Galaxy.
I did not know a phone could do so many things plus it has a great camera.


Vicki went with me on a Friday and wanted go to the First Quality Sausage House to buy some fresh meat.

After she was through, I asked Vicke if she wanted to go out to the John Philippe Park she said yes.

First, we climbed up the Indian Mound for a great view of the bay.


This photo was taken with the Macro Lens, did I tell you I really like my new phone and more so the camera. 
It's really a new phone but it has been out a few years.  It's the Galaxy A 15 5G new to me.

Thank you so much for stopping by and do have a great day.



Wednesday, August 07, 2024


 Yeah, my computer crashed the hard drive, and I had to get it repaired. 
I would have bought another computer but there were a few things he could salvage so I went that way.

On with how the platelet count is going. It was doing good with taking the pills two times a week, so when I saw the doctor Friday he says (let's try not taking any pills for a month and we will decide what to do next.)

Other than that, I'm week in my legs and get very tired with just a little walking.

Nancy is about the same as usual in that she stays very tired.

I'm beginning to think we are just getting old.

Thanks for stopping by and do have a great day.


Sunday, July 07, 2024

To the doctors and busy.

 Sorry I've not posted way to long because I have been very busy.  

But first on the health front I'm still taking the pills to get my platelet count up.
Friday a week ago I saw my Oncologist and he said everything is looking good and that I don't need to have my blood drawn every Friday but come back in a month to have it drawn and he will see where to go from there. 

Now about the busy part.


Our son Joe came down to help me to repair the flooring in the motorhome.
There was a leak and over time the sub flooring had got rotten and soft.
so we had to tear it all out, put in new sub floor with plywood, and not the cheap waffle board that was in it.

We put in water prove vinyl planking.   
We could not get the same as was in it, because they don't make it anymore.

I still have more to do that will take some time.  Nancy and I decided to freshen up all the inside why I'm at it.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.