Saturday, July 23, 2016

Change in plans

Our loose plans of maybe leaving next weekend have changed.
Our brother-in-law Don is scheduled to have  triple by-pass surgery on the 4th of August so we want to stay for that and longer if we are needed in some helpful way. Nancy and I like a lot of things but we love family first.
I had ordered a couple of stainless steel bay door holders from Amazon that came in yesterday so I put them on. The ones that were on the motorhome were plastic they became brittle and broke. So with those two on now all the bay doors have the stainless steel type.
We are going through a hot spell here in Kentucky and yesterday  the temperature was in the middle 90's when a rain storm hit,  As the rain was hitting the roof of the motorhome while I was on my computer I became sleepy so I had a short nap. When I woke up and noticed the temperature the thermometer had 71 degrees on it. A 20 degree drop in  less than 2 hours. That was a nice relief from the heat.
Nancy and I watched a movie on the Roku that we have.
We do not have Netflix, but being an Amazon Prime member we get movies and tv programing about the same as Netflix free.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. 

1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

Always nice to lend a hand when you can. Don won't feel like doing much after that kind of surgery.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.